Thursday, December 29, 2011
Long, beautiful hair, Shining, gleaming, Streaming, flaxen, waxen
The Final Countdown
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Song For Ten
That will be my next post, New Years Resolutions.
Or at least one of, maybe it will be the last to ring in the New Year and finish off December Posts.
No Phone & Need Exercise
Now as for exercise, my god I am in need. I've always had trouble with my weight and only for about two years did I get to where I wanted to be. How did I get there? Work. I worked at jobs that required me to stand and lift and move for endless hours. Then I got a desk job and now I'm at home and I have piled on the weight. Twenty pounds to be exact. For the past year I have tried a personal trainer, diet, running and basic exercise. Alas I never seem to stick with it and always end up looking same as I did the week before, and the week before that. I'm going to strive to lose weight in the new year and to keep up with a healthy exercise regimen. Thirty days is all I will need, thirty days to develop a habit and then it will be that much easier to stick with it.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Mad as a Hatter
I believe the answer is, duh, of course. But rather the question within the question.
Why continue writing if no one reads?
Because, I read it. A blog is a living journal. Whereas in my book no one can happen upon the words inside and therefore it will surely not exist beyond me. If I were to die that journal may or may not be read and therefore definitely cease to exist. But, a blog, in the internet, open to all to read, will forever exist. I come back to it and read about things I had written or thought upon. The ideas and words seem so long ago, but could be merely weeks. Its like a time capsule, the more you leave it, the greater mystery it holds. You forget what you might have loved at that age, that time, that week. As adults our habits do not change, you love a food or movie in a moment. But moments pass and new ones arise. New loves, and dislikes come forth and banish the old. Everything changes. Once again, that is a blessing and a curse. As things change, new ideas can be brought forth but other, cherished ones, get tossed aside because they are no longer valuable. I for one can be grateful that the vampire craze has taken hold and perhaps my work will be chosen next in the line of great works. But the fear, is that soon it will be over and no one will again want for the things I write. Then where will I be? Lost and forgotten like all the other fads and trends. When you're young its easy to say 'Its just a phase', because your whole life lies ahead, waiting for your next idea to flourish. But as you age and time moves on, dwelling on a phase can do great damage to you and can no longer be played off to childhood antics. Instead regret and remorse develop and leave you sodden with it. I'm sure in a few months I will come back to this post and say, "Was I completely off my rocker?" And to that I say, "Yes, bitch. You have the flu this week and your fever has made you rambling mad." To which future me will reply, "Mad as a hatter."
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Understanding Haven
Saturday, December 3, 2011
If its tea, its for me...
Seriously Lucas?
'What You Are' by Audioslave.
I get it, you love Lucy like no other, but seriously dude, you have to wait your turn!
Trust me when you meet this guy, you're gonna love him, but for now, I HATE HIM!
At first glance the lyrics to this song might make you think, 'Huh? This is a love song?' But you cant take everything at face value. When you meet him, you'll understand.
Sorry for this intro to a random character, but they tend to get away from me. Suckers have a life of their own some days.
Fantastic 'Nobody Knows' by Babyface...its like a sick joke to him!
(And also now the 9th Doctor is smiling in my head from the 'Fantastic', here I go again.)
Catch Lucas in, 'Firestarter', maybe some time next year....if he's a good boy.
My Safe 'Haven'
As a black calico, also known as Princess Ed, lay across my legs, and an orange tabby named, Kenny, sits on the back of my chair, I write to you. Empty Girl, by Dave Navaro, pours from my laptops speakers. English breakfast tea, with sweetened condensed milk, chills on my end table. My Burts Bee's chapstick awaits its third application of the day.
All the while I am NOT working on 'Technicolor' but rather a side project, 'Haven'. Its odd and complex and strays far from my comfort zone, while Lina and Leo are my world, my true safe haven.
With them I know my place. Vampires are kind of my thing. Lina's song 'Starry Eyed'(Jacwob's Remix) by Ellie Goulding softly pumps from the speakers. 'Lightning' and the bass drops. But I've already written her story and while there is much more for her, at the moment she is relaxing.
'Got You Where I Want You' by The Flys flows out like some sort of irony. Because 'Haven' does in fact have me where they want me.
Katya and Drew torment my day to day with quirky habits and flashbacks of lives I havent written yet. Their possibilities are endless and I love the feeling of becoming completely engrossed in their world, far from the sweet, simple one I live with Lina and Leo.
'Girls'(Beyonce Cover) by Glee taunts me. 'You'll do anything for me- Well, yes, if you never stop talking I kind of have to. What's worse is there has become a battle ground of sequels and continuations inside my mind.
''Rumour has it/Someone like you'(Adele Cover) by Glee soothes me. 'Dont forget me, I beg. I remember you said...', SING IT SANTANA! Melina and Ario want their time in the limelight. They've waited patiently, and now its their turn.
'No!', Shouts Katya and friends. 'We're just getting started.' I do wish my children wouldnt fight so.
For Those Who Dont Visit My Website
Thoughts On Lina & Leo
So, 'Super Bass' by Nicki Minaj and 'Starry Eyed'(Jakwob Remix) by Ellie Goulding have become two songs that remind me of Lina and Leo. 'Starry Eyed' is definitely how Lina feels about Leo. As for 'Super Bass', although it is supposed to be from a female perspective I just cant help but picture Leo thinking that, "Girl you got my heartbeat runnin' away. Beating like a drum and it's coming your way. Can't you hear that boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass. Yeah that's that super bass."
I'd be very interested to know what other songs might remind you of those two. Feel free to share!
I'm kind of ashamed of myself...
Last year that came to like 1.3 posts a month...sigh...I'm terrible. Let's see if I cant beat last years number at least. Update you all with the happenings and maybe, ionno, ramble about some nonsense for ya. Tom Petty is currently serenading me with 'Its Christmas All Over Again'. Nothing beats this!