"I found The Joker's psyche disturbing, his dementia alarming - and his charm irresistible! What can I tell ya? The guy just did it for me."---Harley Quinn

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Mad as a Hatter

If words are written on a blog that no one reads, does the blog really exist?

I believe the answer is, duh, of course. But rather the question within the question.

Why continue writing if no one reads?

Because, I read it. A blog is a living journal. Whereas in my book no one can happen upon the words inside and therefore it will surely not exist beyond me. If I were to die that journal may or may not be read and therefore definitely cease to exist. But, a blog, in the internet, open to all to read, will forever exist. I come back to it and read about things I had written or thought upon. The ideas and words seem so long ago, but could be merely weeks. Its like a time capsule, the more you leave it, the greater mystery it holds. You forget what you might have loved at that age, that time, that week. As adults our habits do not change, you love a food or movie in a moment. But moments pass and new ones arise. New loves, and dislikes come forth and banish the old. Everything changes. Once again, that is a blessing and a curse. As things change, new ideas can be brought forth but other, cherished ones, get tossed aside because they are no longer valuable. I for one can be grateful that the vampire craze has taken hold and perhaps my work will be chosen next in the line of great works. But the fear, is that soon it will be over and no one will again want for the things I write. Then where will I be? Lost and forgotten like all the other fads and trends. When you're young its easy to say 'Its just a phase', because your whole life lies ahead, waiting for your next idea to flourish. But as you age and time moves on, dwelling on a phase can do great damage to you and can no longer be played off to childhood antics. Instead regret and remorse develop and leave you sodden with it. I'm sure in a few months I will come back to this post and say, "Was I completely off my rocker?" And to that I say, "Yes, bitch. You have the flu this week and your fever has made you rambling mad." To which future me will reply, "Mad as a hatter."

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