"I found The Joker's psyche disturbing, his dementia alarming - and his charm irresistible! What can I tell ya? The guy just did it for me."---Harley Quinn

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Deja Technivu

So once I had finished my first try at truly editing my own novel I put that book aside and went on to another one I had finished. This one was Technicolor. This is a book I WANT out and need to be out, so I was very excited to go through. I also expected to have the same outcome as I did for Haven, nothing but red. Well I was wrong. There was quite a lot of red, but not for the reasons Haven had to endure. No, this time was because of all I needed to add in, as oppose to when I had to delete everything excess in Haven. The reason, I believe, for this is because I had edited Technicolor on the computer more than once. With Haven it was newly finished and was surely in the first draft stages of editing. Technicolor had gone through the washer more than once and was somewhere in between third draft and final draft. There weren't many plot holes as with Haven, or topics opened and left hanging. There wasn't inconsistances in character dynamics or personalities so the majority of my editing was expanding on dialog and descriptions. It was quite enjoyable to know that I wanted to add more into my story and not remove information because it was repetitive or contradictory. But, of course, like with Haven I now cannot re-read the story. It is secure in its designated folder just like Haven, waiting for me to put it into the computer and re-print it for another read through. Haven will be the first to go because I havent looked at it for over a month and it needs the most work. The whole editing process gets easier the more you do it and I have to say knowing you can work your book from beginning to end is truly a reward in and of itself.

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