"I found The Joker's psyche disturbing, his dementia alarming - and his charm irresistible! What can I tell ya? The guy just did it for me."---Harley Quinn

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Favorite Sites

I would like to take a moment to give a small shout out to the sites I have come to depend on or just flat out love. For one reason or another.

First and foremost:
Ardent Allusions-This is a site a few friends and I have created for our writing. The people who write on here have amazing creativity and when it comes time to work together we always come up with the best ideas. Anyone can join and read along and I encourage you to do so the stories on here will definitely have you begging for more.

Nikkisms-This is a site I created solely to post the idiotic and humorous things my best friend Nikki says. Much like FMyLife and Textsfromlastnight I use texts or posts that my friend Nikki has sent to me over the past year or so. Each week she delivers at least a few to make me giggle and I sought to pass them on to others. Some are short, out of context sentences that you don't need to know why they just are. Others are reoccurring like Nicoles obsession with geese. Again I encourage you to check it out, you don't have to join or anything just read through a few and I'm sure they'll put a smile on your face.

Stumble- Also known as StumbleUpon or The Stumble Button. Its great for break-time boredom or for those moments when you get writers block and need a few moments of nonsense just to clear your head. Sometimes it gives you great funny sites, others odd information you never knew you wanted to know and sometimes it gives you crap but I assure you once you start to click that button you wont wanna stop.

Sapphires Blog-One of my fellow writers on A.A. has a blog as well. Her writing area is more Poetry whereas mine is Novels. Still she is a great writer and very alluring with her writing. She is definitely someone you will want to check out.

Stereomood- This site has to be one of the greatest music sites ever. Now I like Pandora as much as the next person but sometimes its annoying how they give you the most obscure songs that might somehow in a weird way be related to the song or artist you originally picked and all the others you liked or disliked. Stereomood doesn't go based upon a song or band it goes by moods. The other morning hubby put this on and set the mood to Just Waking Up. I had still been in bed and one of the songs penetrated my sleep and woke me up and had me in the greatest mood. I suggest this site for anyone who always wants to listen to music when they're feeling a certain way but don't wanna pick through songs or have to work on a playlist before doing so.

So Contagious Website- This is my original website for my first Novela 'So Contagious'. It wasn't the greatest thing I have ever written or the most creative, but it was one of my firsts and to me a great starting point. Though it was short I had nothing but positive reviews from those that read it. This site is not the most hi-tech and has only limited information about me and my book at that time. The only reason I suggest it is because you can purchase a copy of my first book on this site.

Facebook FanPage- For the latest updates in my writing and all things associated with such visit my Page and 'Like' it. I update it just about every few days with information on purchasing my first book and also have posted three excerpts to choose from for my second book. If you're interested in choosing one I suggest you get to it soon as I will be making my decision after June 5th.

Myspace FanPage-This page I do not update or visit much seeing as how Myspace has become less of what it was just a few years ago. I do however try and post every few months or so the latest details on my writing so if you only have Myspace and would like to stay updated with me Add Me as a friend, Ive yet to deny anyone.

Those are all the sites for now but I assure you there will be more as time goes on. As much as I love to write the internet will always keep me coming back for more.

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