"I found The Joker's psyche disturbing, his dementia alarming - and his charm irresistible! What can I tell ya? The guy just did it for me."---Harley Quinn

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Inspiration is the key to any and all creations, be it writing, music, food, construction. Everything that you see around you from the house you live in to the clothes you were was inspired by something. For an author when inspiration hits you can usually find the source of it within their writing.
I am currently read a book called Interred with Their Bones by Jennifer Lee Carrell. Just from the cover of the book you can see what her inspiration was. The reason I bring up such an obvious display of inspiration is because of how well she displays it. This doesn't just mention Shakespeare, it doesn't just throw in some quotes from Hamlet and Julius Caesar that any person who even glanced at Shakespeare could know. She goes above and beyond to research and weave into her story the life and history of Shakespeare and his work. He is her Muse.
For writers there is always a muse, a source that sparks that notion and begins the process of a story forming in your mind. It could be a word, a sound, a smell or even a picture and suddenly your brain is working overtime to create this place where anything they desire can happen. But to the writer not just anything can happen, to us this place really does exist and we don't have any real control over it we're just the person relaying the facts for those who have never heard of this place.
One of my favorite authors J.R. Ward when she speaks of her characters they are real to her they have minds and voices of their own she only shares with us what they have told her. To a person who isn't a writer you would think she is insane but to a writer you can understand, you relate to her feelings. You know what its like to have these people in your head one talking over the other all trying to get their story heard and the only choice you have is to write it down and pass it on so that they can finally quiet and let you rest.

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