"I found The Joker's psyche disturbing, his dementia alarming - and his charm irresistible! What can I tell ya? The guy just did it for me."---Harley Quinn

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Walking Is A Killer

Well I had originally had this great post written up but since Firefox likes to fuck with me I have since lost it. I will try and redo it as best as I can but my hearts just not in it right now.

For the second time I decided I was going to walk to work. The distance from my house to my job is approximately 4 miles. Again like last time I managed to pick one of the hottest days to walk. But I got my bottle of water and packed up my stuff and off I went. It took me a little over an hour, I made one or two stops and even a 20 minutes rest halfway there in Marine Park under the shade of the trees to amp up for the rest of the walk. I also had to deal with the lights being broken by Kings Plaza. For those who are not Brooklyn natives Kings Plaza is a mall. It has 6 lanes of traffic going East to West and North to South. There is always cars in this area because for one its near a mall and two you can get on or off the Belt Parkway a few blocks down. Needless to say it was like a daredevil act trying to cross this friggin street. I finally made it across and made it into work with a few minutes to spare and of course a completely soaked body and aching feet. Now because of heat exhaustion, even though I had the water, I have a headache. I don't think it helps that Firefox made me lose this original either.

I hope to do this more often, at least once a week because for one it saves me 2.25 in bus fare and also helps me stay fit. I encourage everyone to get up and walk every now and then, at least for 20 minutes a day out of your normal routine because it really does help in keeping you healthy.

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